Thursday, December 15, 2011

Application is in!

I've submitted my application to begin a PhD program a the University of Arizona, Tucson. Last minute, true to form, but it is all in, thank goodness. Now I can maybe enjoy Christmas even more properly! Looking forward to seeing everyone, both at Christmas and on my parent's customary whirlwind tour of Arizona in the days following. Is there a Bay Area resident on this blog who rather misses the snow? Yes, yes there is. Grand Canyon, here we come!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!

Good cheer to you all! We are getting our holiday spirit going this week, as I try to wrap everything up with work and finals. We got a lovely Christmas tree for not too much money, and got it decorated and whatnot on one of my cramped Thursday afternoons, which always seem to be good days anyway. The cat is being pretty chill about the tree thing this year, though I did catch her imitating a present this morning:

(yes, that is totally the real reason for this update). Helped the folks decorate too, over the weekend, and we are starting to think about holiday plans. I for sure have the few days off, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing everyone. The Bay Area is turning to a gorgeous late Fall, and the Treehouse always smells like pine and woodsmoke when I go out. The store and library are unspeakably busy and Kita is restless as always, but seemingly pleased (as am I!) that I will get to spend more time at home for a little while. Took (and aced) a final this morning, now only have one more assignment to finish this quarter.

Well, and my PhD application....

Good fortune everyone!